What a year!…and what a year 2014 is going to be!

This article was originally posted on 1/1/14.  We’ve re-posted it so it can be archived and searchable at our new blog and also so that new affiliates–who may have missed the original announcement—can read the article.
To: All SFI Affiliates
From: Gery Carson, SFI President & Founder
2013to2014Whew! What a year!
2013, our 15th year (and 28th for Carson Services, Inc.), was indeed a watershed year for SFI. From just a half-million affiliates at the start of 2013, we ended the year with nearly 1.5 million. And while the substantial increase in our affiliate base was fantastic, other markers—honestly too many to mention here—were an even bigger story.
Suffice it to say, SFI took some huge leaps forward in 2013, and the evidence was everywhere—from the Forum, to a2a, to Ask SC, and everything in between. And, boy, did we love cutting some of the biggest affiliate commission checks in…
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