Meaning of SFI

Hello folks, by far you must have heard about SFI a lot. what it offers , what you have to do and many more. Today i will just describe the meaning of SFI by its name. There will be no business involved in this PR
SFI stands for Strong (S) Future (F) International (I). Each of these word describes the quality and potential of the program
Strong (S): This represents the solid system working in it. Means, It is a system which has a very strong compensation plan which rarely allows someone to struggle. But you will find many are quieting. Why? The fact is Lack of commitment, lack of interest and lack of work. So for someone, who really works, committed and has interest it has a strong compensation plan
Future (F): This is a very important point. The word means it secures your future. Yes it does. It works in such a system which secures a lot of money for your old days. The seed you plant today and feed from it life time.
International (I): Its very clear i guess. It is a complete global business. You do not need depend on your geographical location to be a part of it. You can work in the system when ever you want and where ever you want.
So basically , it is a system designed for International (I) people with a Strong (S) compensation plan to secure their Future (F).